Tekst i menu
Tekst: wiadomość
Show a dialogue box at the bottom of the game screen. When text is shown the dialogue box will slide up from the bottom of the screen and will slide down after it has been shown.
- Grafika (awatar): The avatar image to optionally display on the left hand side of the dialogue box.
Tekst: wyświetl menu
Display a menu of multiple options and set the specified variable to the value of the chosen option. Multiple layouts are provided, 'Menu' displays as a single column on the right hand side of the game screen and 'Dialogue' displays a full width dialogue box with two columns. You can optionally set the 'B' button to close the menu setting the variable to '0' and can also make the last menu item return '0' when selected.
- Ustaw zmienną: The variable to use.
- Ilość opcji wyboru: The number of options required.
- Ustaw na '1' jeżeli: The menu item text label which when selected will set variable to '1'.
- Ustaw na '2' jeżeli: The menu item text label which when selected will set variable to '2'.
- Ostatnia opcja ustawia wartość na '0': Set if last menu item should cause variable to become '0' when selected.
- Ustaw wartość '0' jeżeli 'B' zostanie naciśnięte.: Set if pressing 'B' should cause menu to close and variable to become '0'.
- Schemat wyboru: Set the layout style of the menu.
Tekst: pokaż wybór
Present two options to player allowing them to make a choice, will set the specified variable to true if the first option is chosen and to false if the second option is chosen.
- Ustaw zmienną: The variable to use.
- Ustaw ''Prawda'' jeżeli: The menu item text label which when selected will set variable to 'true'.
- Ustaw ''Fałsz'' jeżeli: The menu item text label which when selected will set variable to 'false'.
Tekst: szybkość animacji
Set the speed that dialogue boxes appear and disappear and how fast text appears within the box.
- Szybkość pojawienia: The speed that the text and menu dialogue boxes scroll on to the screen.
- Szybkość zniknięcia: The speed that the text and menu dialogue boxes scroll off of the screen.
- Szybkość tekstu: The speed that characters are drawn into the dialogue boxes.
- Przewiń tekst (przetrzymanie przycisku): Allow skipping through animation of text if joypad buttons are pressed.